Ahead of the Game: How I’m Preparing Early for a Career in Data Science

Cover image is taken from http://www.unsplash.com Embarking on a career in Data Science can be both exciting and challenging. As a first-year Data Science student, I understand the importance of early planning and preparation to ensure a smooth transition from academia to the professional world. In this blog post, I will share my experiences and strategies… Read More Ahead of the Game: How I’m Preparing Early for a Career in Data Science


The Sami are an indigenous tribe with their own language, culture and customs. They have been a part of northern Scandinavia for more than 10 000 years. Their serene land of snowy mountains, rivers, lakes, streams and forest is called Sámpi. Sámpi stretches across northern parts of Scandinavia and Russia. Originally it was even larger,… Read More Sami

E-cul-tours: a field trip to Italy and Germany

If you have been following our amazing blogs and happened to have read the last one (you can check it out here: https://studentblogsdu.wordpress.com/2019/12/03/studying-tourism-is-it-about-travelling/), you are probably thinking that Tourism students travel all the time with their courses. Well, that’s not totally wrong. Even though we don’t travel all the time, we do have the occasional… Read More E-cul-tours: a field trip to Italy and Germany